Californian Flowers Walking Dog in the Sunshine

Walking Oy in the sunshine is one of my new favorite things. I recently started trading artist cards so I needed to walk down to the mailbox. So I leashed up my little Chihuahua and we went for a nice walk. Just because it’s nearly 100 degrees outside we aren’t going to stop having fun. So we enjoyed a leisurely pace and saw some lovely Oleanders along the way. I have one happy little hot dog now! 
White, Red and Pink Oleander seems to be constantly blooming around here. It has always been one of my favorite flowers. I find the delicate beauty mixed with its toxic nature to be balanced well. Even when the lovely blooms fade these delicious (or not so) green foliage is pretty to look at year round. Just don’t let your kids or pets eat it and you should be fine! 

-Dominique Barrentine

Ps: if you like emotional stories about strong creative females check out the book, “White Oleander,” one of my all time favorites. 

Author: dominiquebarrentine

I am a twenty four year old woman, Christian, survivor, teacher and artist. I recently finished writing my first book, "Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday," a memoir of my life and I started a blog My book is in the editing phase but I hope to have it done before my birthday in November. I love to paint, draw, sing, dance, and all sorts of other things. Check out my blog to learn more...

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